Am 2019-12-08 um 18:08 schrieb Elliotte Rusty Harold:
Please don't. There are certainly some real and important issues in
there. More importantly, users spent a great deal of effort and time
to file those. Bulk closing them tells those users we don't value
their feedback or effort. It is useful to triage these issues and
consider them individually. Doubtless many of these issues are already
fixed, moot, or things we expressly chose not to do. However this
should be decided case by case. We can't simply close our eyes and
pretend they're all irrelevant.

Hi Elliotte,

I share your concerns. I do traverse through tickets once in a while and check for samples projects. Please also feel free to go through the list and update them. At the end we need to be honest. I.e., if we weren't to triage them within three years, we likely never won't. We honestly tell that we acknowledge the issue, but are simply unable to do anything fruitful.

We have almost 2000 open issues. How would you reasonably sieve between them? even if you allocate 10 min per ticket, you would need two months of work to triage them.



On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 7:50 AM Michael Osipov <> wrote:

Hi folks,

after at least one year of silence, I'd like to perform another JIRA
issue cleanup for issues which have been not touched for more than three



567 issues not touched for more than three years
of which
* 68 have fix version set
* 36 were already reopened, should they be excluded?
* 1 in progress by Karl

Type breakdown:
* 200 bugs
* 164 improvements
* 72 new features
* 6 subtasks
* 13 tasks
* 12 wishes

If there are issues still valid for you please leave a comment on the
issue and they will not appear in the query anymore.
Please also raise your voice if you have anything to discuss.

If the issue is not modified or no objection has been raised, I will
autoclose those issues with a comment by 2019-12-30.


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