
on Reproducible Builds for Maven, we're pretty finished:
- few plugins still need to support reproducible output: m-shade-p in vote, 
remains m-war-p, Felix bundle:bundle
- on making our sub-projects builds reproducible [1], only 2 sub-project are 
not yet finished, waiting for previous plugins releases
I would have loved to have such help one year ago :)

Something ambitious could be the important next step = report for any project 
if his dependencies are reproducible or not: reproducible-central [2] is part 
of a proof of concept for that, that requires much improvements. This will 
require to define what trust model to apply: in reproducible-central, I 
personally commit content, provide a recipe that I tell you I applied: should 
you trust me? did I not cheat sometimes, for personal reasons? am I not the 
only one on the planet being able to reproduce?
This topic could be really nice, but not easy, solutions are not precisely 
defined. And it goes beyond Maven but to any build tool.

Helping any project that uses Maven (or other if possible) to make their build 
reproducible could be useful to have more reproducible JVM artifacts in the 

Another more oriented topic would be to work on maven-shade-plugin: while 
working on reproducibility, this plugin seems to require some love





Le vendredi 10 avril 2020, 16:12:45 CEST Elliotte Rusty Harold a écrit :
> Due to external developments, I am suddenly able to recruit, fund, and
> manage as many as five interns, probably undergraduates, to work on
> open source projects such as Maven and its plugins for 12 weeks this
> summer.
> My management chain has a particular interest in reproducible builds,
> so if there's work to be done on that, it would be a really easy sell.
> However I can probably get approval for any useful project that can
> plausibly be accomplished by a junior/senior CS major in 12 weeks. We
> do like these to be feature projects, not simply refactoring or
> maintenance.
> If anyone has a good idea, or would simply like to point me to
> particular issues in Jira that sound like good projects, let me know
> and I can start the bureaucratic wheels turning on my end. As long as
> the feature being proposed already has general agreement that it's a
> good idea, I'll be able to do pretty much all the legwork for managing
> the project(s). It shouldn't require any noticeable time from other
> maintainers.
> Let me know if you have any ideas.

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