My wishlist: Maven Central web ( to show the
health of artifacts. For example, the health includes how much their
dependencies are up-to-date, presence of license element in pom.xml, and so

I recently found (Dart/Flutter repo system) has such tab for every
package: Example

The health page encourages library maintainers to update their libraries in
a timely and recommended manner.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 10:13 AM Elliotte Rusty Harold <>

> Due to external developments, I am suddenly able to recruit, fund, and
> manage as many as five interns, probably undergraduates, to work on
> open source projects such as Maven and its plugins for 12 weeks this
> summer.
> My management chain has a particular interest in reproducible builds,
> so if there's work to be done on that, it would be a really easy sell.
> However I can probably get approval for any useful project that can
> plausibly be accomplished by a junior/senior CS major in 12 weeks. We
> do like these to be feature projects, not simply refactoring or
> maintenance.
> If anyone has a good idea, or would simply like to point me to
> particular issues in Jira that sound like good projects, let me know
> and I can start the bureaucratic wheels turning on my end. As long as
> the feature being proposed already has general agreement that it's a
> good idea, I'll be able to do pretty much all the legwork for managing
> the project(s). It shouldn't require any noticeable time from other
> maintainers.
> Let me know if you have any ideas.
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold
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