Hi, please let me give you a users perspective:

1) deprecate *every* version that is not likely to get an important issue (even if it only concerns a core plugin) fixed timely - no matter how old it is. Anything else is lying to yourself and your users about your capability. There is no shame in not beeing able to support a version after the next one was released given that this support is not beeing paid for.

2) think about (and communicate) support cycles before you introduce breaking changes. Only provide *one *LTS-Version if you feel you can handle that commitment.

4) try to support usecases rather than plugins - if something old needs to be droped you can provide a new solution instead of dragging old stuff with you

5) try and do contnuous delivery. If you can not because of the way that plugins are kept apart from maven try at least to introduce regular releasetrains with small changesets. maybe eclipse could step in and help with that ?

I believe all this would help users and developers to deal with changes in a more professional way. This could also free up time to introduce new concepts and features that are long overdue.


Jörg Sesterhenn

Jörg Sesterhenn

Debeka Krankenversicherungsverein a. G.
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