Am 2020-05-24 um 10:41 schrieb Olivier Lamy:
On Sat, 23 May 2020 at 21:33, Robert Scholte <> wrote:

As discussed before: compatibility should either be 3.3.1 (since 3.3.0
didn't make it) or 3.5.0, we should not include the (highest) bugfix

Great this means we can can rid of this hackhish refection stuff for

you mean we should support 3.3.1 3.3.3 and 3.3.9?
by support I mean fixing security issues.
so in this case what happen in case of a security issue for 3.3.1 do we
have a to release
Not sure I understand what we mean with support?
anyway if we say all plugins must be at least 3.3.1 it's good progress

I think we have discussed this before as I have raised this at least once this one. The upshot is that we try to support (in terms of API and ABI) in Plugins and Components a huge variety of Maven versions, but only the last stable minor branch of Maven receives fixes.

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