Am 2022-09-13 um 13:51 schrieb Konrad Windszus:
> Hi,
> Due to the change all releases triggered with ASF Parent 27 contain a artifact which now also contain the previously exluded “.gitignore” and “.gitattributes” files. > The descriptor defining its format is set in and references The latter does not contain any SCM specific excludes but just leverages the default excludes from plexus-utils.
> IMHO we should change the descriptor to also remove SCM specific metadata, as those are IMHO never useful in the ASF source release distribution.
> Probably the same excludes should be applied to maven-source-plugin which currently also only relies on plexus-utils default excludes.
More that. Look at the Maven source bundle, contains useless stuff:
* .github/
* Jenkinsfile
* doap_Maven.rdf

I believe that all file files which are necessary for CI, SCM and others are not required to be build in that build and are just noise. So I'd be in favor of a PR for this.


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