
On Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 17:36, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I hope you guys have been able to rest a bit during the summer (for those
> that are back to work already)...
> I've pushed a few important PRs in the past months and I'd really like to
> get the discussion going around those.  Those are major changes that I
> think we should introduce in Maven 4 asap:
>   * Better support for alternative POM syntaxes
>   * Needed infrastructure to evolve the model
>   * POM mixins
>   * Support for XML entities / XInclude

I really like the idea of being able to improve the model.
I find a bit scary the idea of XML entities/XInclude especially for
all the possible security problems that I can imagine coming with
No real example in mind, but I had so many issues problems in the last
10 years with XML entities/XInclude :)
but maybe I'm wrong.
how do you exactly plan to do that?

> The first 3 changes are stacked onto each other. The first one is the
> support for alternative POM syntaxes [2].  Note that no syntax is provided
> by the PR, but an example extension is provided in the IT PR [3], the
> reader being generated using the maven model and the IT's project is using
> it [4].  The main idea is to provide an enhanced XML syntax if we want, as
> it was discussed for the POM 5.0 [5].
> The second one provides the ability to make evolution to the model without
> breaking the maven ecosystem.  The model has been stuck in 4.0.0 version
> for 15 years or so, most of the things that would have required a change
> have been delayed or worked around.  The consumer POM that has been
> introduced in Maven 4 is a first step, but I think we should go further.
> Please read the details in the PR [6].
> The third one is the support for POM mixins [7].  That one is still a
> draft.  Two ITs have been written to leverage mixins using GAV or as
> relative paths [8].  This definitely needs some work, but the current state
> definitely shows that it can be implemented and introduced in the next
> alphas.
> The last one is a relatively small PR [9] which brings support for XML
> entities and XInclude loaded from external files.  All loaded files are
> loaded using relative URLs (absolute URLs are rejected for security
> reasons). The entities and xinclude bits are all inlined during the raw ->
> consumer POM transformation so that they don't appear in repositories.  I
> wrote this PR as a possible alternative for mixins, that's the main reason
> why I include it in this discussion.
> I'm not necessarily looking for in-depth reviews of the PRs, but at least
> to find a consensus and general agreement on the way forward.
> Cheers,
> Guillaume
> [2] https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1197
> [3]
> https://github.com/apache/maven-integration-testing/pull/276/files#diff-ffb3dec529cab94ebf3c5830444275ad2b2e4826fe1df843454882efadd2446c
> [4]
> https://github.com/apache/maven-integration-testing/pull/276/files#diff-8d7362e60d231ad8c5d4b7746873da2855d9cf1fd5aeeca9c143ed942bd94b38
> [5]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/POM+Model+Version+5.0.0
> [6] https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1160
> [7]
> https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1209/commits/211e27acd21a6cb8cee30ccd066499fc613a5c82
> [8]
> https://github.com/apache/maven-integration-testing/tree/b2642d74caae854051dc77acd19b972dfe66b1cd/core-it-suite/src/test/resources/mng-5102-mixins
> [9] https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1205
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet

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