
I'm in the process of uploading the abbot jars on ibiblio. With the new
procedure I also need to upload some POM (please note that the abbot
build does not use maven). I've read
http://maven.apache.org/repository-upload.html but I still have a few

1/ Should there be a POM file per artifact? That sounds strange to me as
a POM is related to a project rather than an artifact but I've looked at
ibiblio/maven and it seems that's what's done in some cases (like
aspectj). I'd like confirmation.

2/ What is the minimal information the POM should contain. If it only
contains <dependencies> element + <id>/<name>/<groupId>, is it ok? Don't
tell me it requires a full POM! That would be as bad as lengthy as
mavenizing each project...

3/ What name should the pom file(s) have? <project name>-<version>.pom?
If the project is not yet versioned, should SNAPSHOT be used?

4/ Where is located the tool that will take an upload bundle (result of
create-upload-bundle)? I'd like to see what operations it does so that I
can deliver something equivalent or even better, use it... 


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