On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 14:57, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of uploading the abbot jars on ibiblio. With the new
> procedure I also need to upload some POM (please note that the abbot
> build does not use maven). I've read
> http://maven.apache.org/repository-upload.html but I still have a few
> questions:
> 1/ Should there be a POM file per artifact? That sounds strange to me as
> a POM is related to a project rather than an artifact but I've looked at
> ibiblio/maven and it seems that's what's done in some cases (like
> aspectj). I'd like confirmation.

We need one POM per each version of the project but for upload process
it is sane to required a presence of the pom everytime even if it is
already in the repository.

> 2/ What is the minimal information the POM should contain. If it only
> contains <dependencies> element + <id>/<name>/<groupId>, is it ok? Don't
> tell me it requires a full POM! That would be as bad as lengthy as
> mavenizing each project...

I think this is minimal. But more is better.  For example dependency
report is already able to point you to the web site of given dependency
if url tag is present. License section can be used for determining 
valid license of your project (e.g. if you have been infected by GPL
viral license)

> 3/ What name should the pom file(s) have? <project name>-<version>.pom?


> If the project is not yet versioned, should SNAPSHOT be used?


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