We use a seperate project for all objects that are common between the
client and server classes, which includes the rmi stub...
(which is a post goal to java:compile btw). Not too much classes in the
project though, but it works well. (the common.jar has no external
dependencies at all).


On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 17:35, Laszlo Papp wrote:
> Hi all,
>       We have tried to compile and distibute a client/server architecture 
> based on RMI and had to face some difficulties which seem to be lying on 
> the basic concept of the Maven environment (namely that one project is 
> only able to produce and distribute one and only JAR file).
> We have set up 2 Maven projects (one for the client, one for the 
> server), and wanted to build the 'client.jar' as independent from the 
> server as possible... It means:
> if I have the RMI interface implementation class 'Impl.java' in the 
> server project I only want to have the belonging 'Interface.java' in the 
> client project.
> But the problem is that in the client project I also need to have the 
> '_Stub.java' class generated by RMIC, but the 'Impl.java' which I need 
> to generate it (with 'ant.rmic' task) is in the server project.
> If I move the 'Impl.java' class to the client side and make RMIC 
> generate the Stub there, I bring many implementation specific code to 
> the client side, thus I'm voilating the concept of client/server 
> architecture...
> If I do not do that, I only have "dirty" ways to go ('ant.copy' tasks 
> between the projects) if I want to bring the Stub classes generated by 
> RMIC to the client project and eventually to the 'client.jar'...
> Is there a clear solution for this kind of problematic ?
> Thanx a lot.
> Chao:
>       Laci

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