> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kris Bravo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 5:18 PM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: RE: POM issues in the repository
> There is nothing wrong with having or using the minimal POMs 
> that can be found in the repository. As a user if I find, for 
> example, a sun library for which no POM exists, I am willing 
> to submit a basic POM which will cause my build to continue 
> unimpeded by its absence. I won't however, stop every time 
> this occurs and fill out a bunch of excess metadata with no 
> programmatic relevance that someone else decided would be 
> nice to have in the file as well.
> Keep in mind this one file format is used for two entirely 
> distinct purposes. The first, describing a project you're 
> building, seems a more plausible explanation of what the 
> extra metadata is geared towards. The second, using the 
> project as a dependency, gains no benefit from the metadata 
> you are suggesting users should insist on.
> When the m2 codebase becomes beta-ready and the minimal 
> information in the repository lets me build my projects, I 
> personally don't want to wait around for a metadata cleanup 
> before they open the doors on mainstream usage. I'd rather 
> have the extra effort go towards plugin development.
> But since maven permits you to specify your repository in 
> your settings, none of this is a problem. If you need a 
> higher quality repository than what's available you can 
> simply create one within your own environment and point to 
> it. Each time you need a new dependency met, you can copy 
> from ibiblio and add the additional information to the POM 
> necessary for your projects. See maven-proxy, it works with 
> m2 as well.
> Kris

You didn't get my point.

My point was that it is irrelevant if POMs in the repository are minimal or
But it is extremely important that information which is the main maven
repository is _not changing_!!!


a) build won't be reproductable 
b) the scenario which you are proposing - everybody maintaining its own
maven repository with competing metadata even for open source projects 
will become the reality. And this is something which in my opinion won't be
any good for maven nor for improving the quality of the maven central
repository. I already know some people which are creating their own m2
repositories and the work which there are doing is not at all serving maven
community. I am all for centralising that effort.

Note then when I am saying that no POMs should not be changed - this means
that no dependency should be added, removed or moved to different position
witin the pom. The algorithm which resolves transitive dependencies is very
fragile: it is even (accordingly to my knowledge) sensitive to the position
of the dependency in the pom.

I also have no better alternative to what's happening now with m2
repository. But I share Vincent's opinion:
"There needs to be a big effort to clean the m2 repo of bad POMs" and I am
just adding that this in my opinion should happen and ___finish_ 
before maven 2.0 will be proclaimed as "final" or even "beta". Otherwise the
situation which happen with m1: some people tried unstable beta versions and
never come back to maven will be repeated one more time. But this time it
won't happen due to the code quality (which is really excellent in case of
m2) but due to the repository related problems.


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