Jason van Zyl wrote:
>> 1) turn off assign to lead by default. This doesn't fit with our process
>> and is the cause of all your mail. Personally, I won't be signing up to
>> be a plugin lead. I don't think that idea worked the last two or three
>> times we tried it.
> Why do you think that is?
Because people's availability comes and goes, and putting it on one
person causes things to get omitted. I'd prefer to do a regular review
of all plugins (say, for the board report) to assess health, necessity
of release, etc.

I think I'd prefer to see a list of people interested in a plugin (ie
using it and contributing - the developers list could be used) so we
have a number of people for each that can be pinged about where it is at.
> I think both can be updated automatically. I'll try it later on tonight.
Thanks for doing that.

- Brett

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