On Sun, 14 May 2006, Jason van Zyl wrote:


> I think this would make it easier for each person to grok if we had a
> common pattern. And common patterns is what we're about.

True, although you have to read the entire issue to completely understand
it, so for me personally it doesn't matter, as long as there's some
structure in the description. But it's a good idea.


> Once everything was there I was think that we might implement a queue
> of issues to be worked on. Often I think someone has an idea and no
> one else responds because they are busy doing other shit and can't
> change channels. I think if we have 5 issues in the "deal with this"
> queue which is first come first served where new issues can't enter
> the queue until one of the issues is resolved. This way we don't can
> move between a small set of issues but they get resolved and avoid
> having 10 things on the table as humans don't deal with more then 5
> things at a time very well. It will also make everyone focus on the
> issues in the queue because nothing else can be discussed unless it's
> in the queue and the queue doesn't free a spot until something in the
> queue is resolved. Will prevent the "Hello? Is anyone there" type
> situations.

This was a bit unclear to me so I've asked Jason to clarify:
this entire section is about unresolved design issues, not actually
implementing solutions. Although after re-reading it a few times
it's pretty obvious :)

I think it's an excellent idea, but we might want to keep the rest of the
issues should open for modification for merging double issues or
let other people that only have affinity with certain issues update them
with brilliant ideas.
The 5 item queue will ofcourse still direct the focus of the discussions.

Btw, how would this be implemented? Using JIRA I assume? And could
the issues be limited to 5 using fake versions for components or

-- Kenney

> Jason van Zyl
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Kenney Westerhof
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