Brett Porter wrote:
Good morning,

So, reading through the discussions on users@ and the one here yesterday, we're getting kicked for not releasing plugins often enough again.

And rightly so :(

Back at the start of the year I started sending out the list of plugins to get a report on what's happening with them. That wasn't very effective getting responses, but I'm going to try again with some different data: last .0.x release date, last .x release date, # open issues for next .0.x release, # open issues for next .x release, # unscheduled issues.

From this, everyone can pitch in and release the plugin in most desperate need.

This makes an assumption that we start explicitly planning .0.x (or .1.x etc) releases as well as .x feature releases. I think this is the key to getting bug fixes in users hands faster. That, and decoupling shared APIs from the core as much as possible.

Yep, the glue between maven core and the plugins should be the plugins-api. That probably won't happen, but more decoupling is definitely good.

What do others think?


More importantly, is anyone willing to help? Particularly if we could grab this data from JIRA and automate it, it would be a lot easier.

Count me in. I was about to start something similar, albeit on a smaller scale. How about we start out with a wiki page in Confluence and look at automation later, once we get the feel for what data we need?


Dennis Lundberg

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