On 07/12/2006, at 2:25 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 6 Dec 06, at 8:16 PM 6 Dec 06, Brett Porter wrote:

I generally agree with what John has said in the thread so far. I think this is a good thing: a nice out of the box installation

Define nice? If it's an installation that is different then something standard that users typically get then it is a not a good thing. I can just see the threads now:

Yes, a definite downside to doing it that way and something I'd like to see an explanation for from Carl and Deepak. However, the converse is also true - your average Fedora user might be frustrated that Maven's config isn't in /etc like everything else.

I think we have far more pressing concerns then worrying about. This is definitely not a priority for the vast majority of our users. Releasing 2.0.5, 2.1, and plugins are definitely of more interest I would imagine.

Sure, but we're only going to get towards that by letting people work on the things that affect them. I'm not bumping anything off my personal priority list for this, but I'm happy to help others work on it if it's what they need. I don't think Carl is interested in working on plugins :)

And there is some very tangible 2.1 benefits from this work in the space of dependency management and offline handling if it is done right.

Everyone has lived without RPMs and I don't think we've ever had a single request for one.

I don't remember a specific instance, but I'm sure there are some who would like them. Either way, we need to consider Fedora as a consumer of Maven and that they know what their users want, which apparently is Maven bundled with Fedora. That shouldn't be discounted. Honestly, I think it'd do us well to remember that Maven isn't the centre of the universe on occasion.

I do know for certain we've had lots of requests from the Debian and Gentoo crowds to be able to bootstrap from source for inclusion in those distributions, so I don't see anything different here.

If it is something where a package was made and it looked the same as we do now that's great. If it created a barrier where someone who was using Maven on Windows and then moves to Redhat and installs Maven as they are accustomed to and some default system version kicks in because it's in the path first and produces completely unexpected output then that's a bad thing.

I don't see it as a barrier. They can still do it how they used to. If they choose to use the one that comes with Fedora then they get the consequences of that choice, just like if they are using Firefox and all their profile is in a new location.

Anyone can knock themselves out.

Well, +1 to that :)

- Brett

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