On Mon, December 18, 2006 11:03 am, Bhupendra Bhardwaj wrote:

> "eclipse:make-artifacts" is a nice feature but it will work only if the
> person building and assembling the project has eclipse installed in his or
> her machine, which I think will not be the case as the RCP is one of the
> modules and not everybody will be working on it.

Not at all - we used eclipse:make-artifacts to create our own internal
maven repository for eclipse. It's something you only need to do once.

Previous to that we would often copy around the .m2/repository directory
from developer to developer, as it was the quickest way for changes to to
be propagated.

> For compilation purpose the win32 eclipse jars are availabe in maven (
> repo1.maven.org), so compilation is not a problem.

The eclipse jars in repo1.maven.org are over a year old, and only a small
subset of the eclipse jars are available. It's far safer in the long term
to create a complete and up to date repo of your own.


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