Good Idea (tm) Jason.  I'm glad you are making a "production release

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:42 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: calling vote for 2.0.5

On 11 Jan 07, at 8:56 AM 11 Jan 07, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

> I really don't care what machine builds the release.
> Maven is supposed to be able to make reproducible builds so it  
> shouldn't
> matter where you build from.

You know as well as I do that isn't the case quite yet. The reduction  
of any variation is necessary.

> The only problem will be the contents of the local repository  
> (snapshots),
> which will be a problem on any machine.

No. What JVM is that is used, what version of Maven you used to build  
it as well, how you bootstrapped. All these things need to be defined  
so that things can be as consistent as possible.

> I suppose you're going to do an 2.0.5-rc-1 with mvn  
> release:prepare, which
> should make sure only non-snapshot project artifacts are used
> (but not plugins). The only way to be sure no snapshot plugins are  
> used
> is to disable the snapshot repo from the parent/root pom..

I'm going to use the staging tools and put the release as it will be  
in final form into a repository which won't pollute the central  
repository. If it's fine then I will merge it with the central  

> Maybe I'm missing the point - what's far better about performing  
> releases
> on a 27/4 monitored box running Linux that also hosts the central  
> repo?

Do you want to release from a Windows machine? I don't. And if many  
people take responsibility for doing releases, which should happen,  
then it should happen with the same set of parameters off the same  
machine. If something goes wrong with that machine we get a 5 minute  
turn around time for help which is a good thing. No one in an  
enterprise environment lets joe developer build a release for  
production (unless they are insane) and we shouldn't either. The  
releases should come from an environment that is as stable as possible.


> -- Kenney
> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>> I  haven't called the vote yet, just wanted to settle on picking a  
>> machine to dispatch it from.
>> It's coming, it's coming :-)
>> jason.
>> On 10 Jan 07, at 5:20 PM 10 Jan 07, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to call a vote for 2.0.5. All the issues that are going to  
>>> get done are done. We'll release and move on.
>>> I would like to start building all releases from a standard  
>>> machine with the same JDK. I would like to propose the  
>>> machine which is monitored 24/7 running Linux. It serves as the  
>>> central repository but can easily handle a few builds. They can  
>>> be built from that machine and deployed to Apache. I think this  
>>> is far better then each of us building stuff from our own  
>>> machines and deploying.
>>> Otherwise everything for 2.0.5 is ready to go.
>>> I will also chop up what's in JIRA into some smaller versions as  
>>> I think some micro releases for improvements and smaller changes  
>>> is better then waiting 7 months for another release. If we  
>>> schedule them out them people can decide whether they want to  
>>> upgrade or not. But I know there are several things I would like  
>>> to get in and I know that Mike/Ralph would like to get in  
>>> MNG-1577 which we can squeeze into a 2.0.6 in a week or two.  
>>> These are micro release.
>>> Jason.
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