Carlos Sanchez wrote:
I think every maven release should use a defined set of plugin
versions. That would be reproducible and close to what it's happening

I can't really agree with this; if maven provides a set of default plugin versions, people will continue to not specify explicit versions. Then, when a new version of maven is released, we have the same problem as we do now - people will upgrade and wonder why their build broke. Either that, or they will be in mortal fear of upgrading the maven core for fear of breaking something. Plugin version should definitely be tied to your project, not your maven version.

Making the user list all plugins it's gonna be killer for newbies.

I agree with this part. There does need to be some way of tying down the versions of plugins used in the default lifecycle, other than forcing the pom writer to specify each one individually.

Perhaps could be done by having a centralised base-pom which people could inherit from? Or by having packagings specify default plugin versions - and then you would only need to specify the version of the plugin providing the packaging.


Richard, who so far has only found one build which broke as a result of the assembly-plugin release...

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