Let me see if I can address everything in the thread since the last time I
looked...here goes: :-)

1. Locking down on release is dangerous IMO, because it implies that you
might be making a change to the build behavior at release time. In other
words, these particular versions may introduce a subtle problem that wasn't
present for other builds, because the other builds were done without
locked-down versions, and done on another dev's box (with a slightly
different set of plugin versions; remember the -U timing!). You could say
that this would be vetted out during the RC/voting process, but wouldn't it
be better to make it part of the daily bread-and-butter routine, assuming we
could make that routine a little easier to handle?

2. WRT specifying all versions for lifecycle plugins, I'd suggest the use of
either (a) a lifecycle/packaging version that would specify each plugin's
version, as was suggested on the users@ list; or, (b) a new piece of syntax
to specify a set of plugin versions that are commonly used together. (A)
wouldn't make much sense unless we externalized all of our packagings,
IMO...which makes Maven sort of a lifeless hull without at least an initial
internet connection. (B) gets you into the realm of maybe making these
plugin-sets additive (specify multiple of them in the same POM), and maybe
allowing them to provide configuration, etc...which is a whole new can of
worms, I guess.

3. I think it's quite dangerous to keep on the track of having the common
user use the current RELEASE meta-versions. We have to get out of this [
1.0-2.0) mindset (where we're operating with basically the same feature-set
and no breaks in compatibility from release to release). RELEASE is
indiscriminate about compatibility rules, which means that any POM checked
in that relies on RELEASE meta-versions may break in the future. This is
compounded by the fact that new plugin versions are *never* detected unless
(a) the plugin hasn't been used before, and isn't in the local repository,
or (b) the user *chooses* to use -U...that means that for any two-member
development team, unless they're invoking -U in synchrony there is a real
potential for mismatched plugin versions.

Wayne, your experiences wouldn't seem to be very encouraging for the idea of
writing more/better documentation. Would a cheat-sheet or a FAQ that's
well-organized help with these sorts of newbie problems?

Dan/Carlos/Wayne/etc.: would it be reasonable to provide some nice plugins
(maybe with GUIs where we can) that will help users choose what they need?

Peter: WRT the parent POM residing in central, see my comment about the
externalized packaging/lifecycle definitions...that would make Maven itself
fairly limited if something happens on the network. Right now, it is
possible (maybe a little tough, but possible) to use Maven offline...with an
externalized parent, you'd have to have an update policy or a mechanism for
specifying the root POM version, which would land you in a tricky spot WRT
multimodule builds.

I'm sure I've missed out on someone's comments, but I think that pretty well
summarizes my thinking...


On 4/12/07, Stephane Nicoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Won't work every time.

We have a corporate pom, it's pretty much stable and it won't change
often. All our projects inherit from that one, it will be a pain to
update everything every time we would want to upgrade some plug-ins.


On 4/12/07, Hayes, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to give my 2 cents on this issue.
> Would it be possible to maintain a super POM on repo1 that contains a
> vetted set of plugin versions and then version that POM appropriately
> based on new releases of core plugins?  Then it would simply be an
> inclusion of a specific parent version in a project POM that would
> control which plugins to take.  I think this is what people probably do
> internally but if it is maintained on repo1, it would save a lot of work
> for a lot of people.
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:40 PM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
> >If I need a specific version (usual to workaround a known issue) then
> >I specify it in the the pom. Otherwise I want the latest.
> This is the current problem, where builds are done with undetermined
> versions. (ie the version for dev a might not match dev b)
> >For snapshot builds if I will use specified, then latest.
> >For a released build, I want the pom to be transformed and fully
> >locked down so that the build is reproducible.  And I don't want to do
> >that manually.
> I would expect that my snapshot builds to be exactly the same as the
> eventual release build for that version. The last thing I need is
> release to decide for me which versions to use. I do want to do it
> manually, because I want to try out each new plugin before I bless it
> and allow it into the build process for the rest of the team. I've had
> too many occurrences where a plugin change breaks my build (I'm ok with
> that, it's necessary for forward progress). By manually vetting a
> plugin, it gives me a chance to make any adjustments needed.
> It's no different than how we upgrade Maven itself: I have used enforcer
> to lock my build to 2.0.5 until I can get all the depMgt straightened
> out and then I will move everyone forward.
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