On 23 Apr 07, at 8:42 AM 23 Apr 07, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Everyone keeps referring to bundles that "are known to work together."
Come someone produce an example of plugins that are incompatible with
each other? I haven't seen this and I'm not even sure it's possible
given that plugins can't communicate or even know about each other.

I think the only time I've seen it happen is with plexus-utils when there are differing versions. There are no functional incompatibilities in the plugins but dependency incompatibilities.

I personally think all these solutions are overly complicated. I think
we just need to find a way to make it easy to specify the versions of
plugins in your poms.

Right, we just need to make it easy to find the versions and then the POM rules. Any automagical mechanism will be the death of us.


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