Hi Jason,

On 15/06/07, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That one small typo will render a system useless. What's the usecase
for not having to select individual artifacts to filter?

The filters are looking like something that will be used to exclude
dependencies and things of that nature where you have the exact
artifact you want to filter.

The filters as we are using them to knock out core libraries will
probably be replaced with the import mechanism that we've started
using in the branch and the trunk and that master filter list for our
internals will go away. A filter that does not have specific intent
of eliminating a single artifact will cause more hassles then the
perceived benefit of not having to write them out individually.

The use case for this filter is within the dependency:tree goal.  It
would be used to include and exclude artifacts from the displayed
tree; e.g. org.apache.maven.* for all maven groupIds, :::*-SNAPSHOT
for all snapshot artifacts.  Listing explicit artifacts in this
situation obviously negates the usefulness of diagnostic tools such as

I'm happy to move the wildcard functionality to a different
implementation, I just figured it'd make sense to consolidate them
within maven-artifact.


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