>> If this pom section is simple enough, I think people who care about 
>> reproducibility will use it. Would it be possible to combine this
>> a warning?

>I'm not 100% certain, but I think that would require pulling some of
>enforcer logic into the core...

>This might be a good thing, i.e. just having a setting in the pom that 
>controls whether to enforce plugin versions or not.

>  ...
>  <build>
>    ...
>    <plugin-versions>required|warn|latest</plugin-versions>
>    ...
>  </build>
>  ...

>The super-pom can set this to warn.  Corporate builds can set to 
>required once they have a build working.  Non-corporate builds can set 
>to latest if they want turn off warnings

Well, this could be considered too I suppose with a flag as you
mentioned. However this can be achieved already with the plugin. Just
define the enforcer in the corp super-pom using a property in the
"message" and "warn" values. Then you can set the properties with a
default but override them in your projects.

Having it separate in a plugin means a little bit more configuration but
gains more flexibility. Releases of the plugins can/should occur more
frequently than maven itself and changes don't require new model
versions to use them.


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