>The misunderstanding seems to be:
>1) that I thought we were going to require plugin versions to be  
>specified in the future. You seem to say that is no longer the case.

I think you're right here. After reading your response to my comments, I
realized my (and I think Jason's) assumption is that the core doesn't
require the versions. We're using a plugin to get this behavior. You
mentioned that if tooling is required, that's a sign of a problem. I
don't think I really agree since all of maven is basically a plugin.
Plugins are nice because people can choose to use them if they want or
develop their own. Back when we discussed having the versions required,
lots of people spoke up and said they wouldn't like that. I think this
is the best solution between flexibility and lock down and it's up to
the user / CM team to decide.

In my instance, the developers essentially don't touch the poms, this is
the job of the CM team. We let them add dependencies as needed but then
the CM team reviews for consistency and conflicts. Without locking down,
we had so many problems with "well, it works on our machines." Granted
it was alpha/beta m2 but it was still a major issue and can be today
with any plugin release that potentially changes behavior (for good or
bad, a change needs to be understood). 

The enforcer was originally created because I continued to have
compatibility issues within the team because they weren't all running
the same "blessed" maven version. We discussed this functionality in
core and it was decided to be a plugin, I don't see any difference here.
We're just talking about having the tools to allow people to do what
they want/need without being overly heavy handed.

>2) that you think I'm trying to make it a black box. I'm simply  
>looking for a more concise way to express exactly what you are saying  

I can tell you that the simple pack config looks appealing at first
glance. However, if this existed today here's what I believe corp users
would experience:

First, what exactly is in the java pack 1.0? (which plugins and which
versions?) What happens if I don't want 1 of the plugins in the
pack...I'm back to defining the pluginManagement section for that one.
Over time, you will find that you get pMgt creep and soon the pack isn't
really useful anymore because you've had to redefine too many versions.

The other problem I see is that changing too many plugins at once would
make it hard to identify any changes/issues and any new bugs that creep
in. We used to update a bunch of plugins at once in between releases but
quickly found this not to be a good idea. 

When I see a new plugin release that we might want to bump up, we review
the release notes and jiras fixed in the release. Then we will make the
change and test it out on the CM team boxes. If it's a significant
plugin change (or maven change), I've been known to have a developer
compare the resulting artifacts (wars mostly) to ensure the same libs
are included. Only after we decide this plugin works as good as the last
and make any changes to use new features does the company super-pom get
updated and rolled out in the scm.

I can't imagine trying to do this with a handful of plugins at once.
Between that and the pMgt creep I mentioned above, I doubt seriously
that I would even consider looking at the packs for my Corp builds. I
think that's really the crux of the problem with them. Someone who is
really trying to lock down their versions will be diligent enough to
really understand what they need in each plugin. I think it is really
just a crutch between the builds that don't need lock down and the corp
ones who won't/can't use it.


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