On 3 Sep 07, at 8:25 AM 3 Sep 07, Jason Dillon wrote:

So, again... me thinky... A.... nay B.

I think ultimately with the enforcer method you A) when you are ready, and it's very easy to do. I've been using it in a few builds now for a couple weeks and it's a great way to enforce it at the team level while letting new projects wiggle around a bit. You need this flexibility when starting as people will not read the doco and when they pull out an archetype for the first time it should work. The plugin pack in here looks easy at first but when you need to change something it become onerous. You effectively get A) with the flip of a switch.


On Sep 1, 2007, at 7:48 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

I'd like to hear from as many people as possible their opinion this topic (even if you just want to say '0' so we know where you stand).

[ ] (A) All plugin versions must be specified by the project or its parent hierarchy somewhere, at the cost of some verbosity (though we should look at ways to make this easier/smaller/etc per the current discussion) [ ] (B) Retain the current behaviour, but make using the enforcer a best practice to do the above, or some other control mechanism such as having the repository manager handle the available plugins
[ ] (C) No opinion
[ ] (D) Undecided
[ ] (E) Other (please specify)


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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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