Rationale: my expectation, and I suspect most developers'
expectations, is that when I build my product with a tool and my
source does not change and I do not explicitly install a new version
of my tool, that my resulting binary does not change either. With
dynamic downloads of plug-ins (i.e., dynamic tool installs over which
I have little or no /obvious/ control), that expectation cannot be met
without an explicit statement of the specific tools I'm using.

My expectations could be satisfied by having the tool specify the
explicit list of plug-ins (which is probably more "B" than "A") which
it will use, a "release-approved" set of plug-ins.

In both implementations, the critical aspect is the same: the build is
reproducible over all time.


On 9/1/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to hear from as many people as possible their opinion this
> topic (even if you just want to say '0' so we know where you stand).
> [ ] (A) All plugin versions must be specified by the project or its
> parent hierarchy somewhere, at the cost of some verbosity (though we
> should look at ways to make this easier/smaller/etc per the current
> discussion)
> [ ] (B) Retain the current behaviour, but make using the enforcer a
> best practice to do the above, or some other control mechanism such
> as having the repository manager handle the available plugins
> [ ] (C) No opinion
> [ ] (D) Undecided
> [ ] (E) Other (please specify)
> Thanks,
> Brett
> --
> Brett Porter - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Blog: http://www.devzuz.org/blogs/bporter/

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