On 4-Feb-08, at 3:37 PM, Jan Nielsen wrote:

FWIW, I (and probably 99.9% of the Maven user-base) have desired just
this kind of option for plugins for a  l o o o n g  time. Something

 mvn nifty help
 mvn nifty -h
 mvn nifty --help
 mvn nifty:help

This one is fine. As it doesn't need to go into the CLI, it's just part of the plugin.

 mvn nifty:option
 mvn nifty

and if you do:

 mvn nifty:invalid

you just get the help (where "nifty" is any plugin; "any", as in for
all plugins...if the plugin can be downloaded, help is there). That's
pretty canonical CLI behavior.

I think everyone could live with the "mvn foo:help".

I don't know whether that's something that requires a modification to
the core of Maven, or not, and I really don't care. It's a huge
dis-service to all users to not have this available, thereby forcing
the user to chase down the web-page for every plugin they have an
interest in. Finding the definitive help information for a plugin
should be absolutely trivial and built-in; having the CLI option which
give the code-you-are-executing-right-now the ability to answer that
question avoids the issues we have today with multiple sources for a
plugin with different HTML usage information.

And while I'm at it, and relatedly, whatever happened to "-G" to get
me a list of all plugins??? I know it ain't easy, but how about giving
me a list of all the names of the plugins found in the configured
repositories when I do "mvn -G", or "mvn plugin:help", or "mvn
plugin:list", ....whatever. Cache the result in the repositories if
you need to, but make it easy for the user to find and use plugins.
And I might as well chuck in: why in the world do I need to do "mvn
nifty:nifty" and not just "mvn nifty"? Yes; a plugin can have more
than one goal - that's great; but if I do "mvn nifty" it just means
"mvn nifty:nifty" and if I do "mvn nifty:wizbang" well, then that's
the wizbang goal of the nifty plugin.


On Feb 4, 2008 5:09 AM, Vincent Siveton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2008/2/3, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I think keeping this out of the core, be that the lifecycle executor
or the CLI would be a far better option.

Agree for CLI.

Vincent, just to be clear you have taken the logic that already exists
in the help plugin?

More wrapped logic from PluginXdocGenerator.



On 3-Feb-08, at 3:17 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

Something like

mvn -H idea:idea or mvn -H idea

which is akin to what Subversion has, for example.

this would allow the CLI to translate to the appropriate
help:describe goal and then exit, which is pretty clean, as compared
to modifying the lifecycle executor.

- Brett

On 04/02/2008, at 10:13 AM, Vincent Siveton wrote:

Hi Brett,

What do you propose for cmd line switch?

Personally, I am fine with mvn my-plugin:help which seems more
A lot of tools (all?) have an help option.



2008/2/3, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Would a different lifecycle or command line switch be more intuitive
than this?

On 04/02/2008, at 9:55 AM, Vincent Siveton wrote:


I realize that the fix for MPLUGIN-40 (All plugins should by
have an auto-generated goal 'help') is definitely *not* intuitive
the end user.

I created a plugin-plugin goal which generates an Help mojo. This
generated mojo just displays the goals and their
description/parameters for a given plugin project. Since it is a
inside the maven-plugin-plugin, we need to release it and *all*
plugins to make available this new feature (it could take a
time ;) ).

I proposed another approach: modify the DefaultLifecycleExecutor to
handle this particular goal. So we could call "mvn idea:help" to
display all available idea goals and "mvn idea:toto" will throw an
exception by displaying the help.
Pro: more easy for the end user and works for all plugins
Con: just available in mvn 2.0.9+



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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
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