
I think we've gotten to the point where we need to decide how we are going to test plugins. We need to pick one of the frameworks, settle on a pattern, and use that in the plugins otherwise there will be no sane way to validate a set of plugins works against a given version of Maven. What I'm thinking about here concretely is testing all the plugins that we have here against Maven 2.1 to know that we have not screwed something up so terribly that things like the deploy plugin doesn't work, or whatever.

I think how this starts is that we:

1) Pick one of the tools
2) Create a touchstone project that can be expanded where necessary for any given plugin so that we have a baseline project against which to test
3) Pick a standard profile name for invoking this test

This way we create a standard hook point for a larger harness to get hold off. We can check out sources and create an aggregator POM with the given profile activated to test a set of plugins. I don't know yet what the best way would be to share a touchstone project (and that is not to say we won't need different projects but we have to start with a baseline), but once we start this we can also start plugging in other things like integration testing that includes things like coverage or whatever else.

I think the key in moving forward is getting 1-3 sorted out so we're not using 5 frameworks and testing plugins with N different patterns where it's impossible to hook into for larger scale testing. I think this is the only way forward to validate that a set of plugins work against a given version of Maven which is vital information to know before releasing 2.1.

For integration testing I have found the SHITTY plugin (we would simply have to change that name, sorry Jason Dillon) to be the most useful and feature rich. Should be relatively simple to create a test project, and a profile name (run-its like the core ITs). Then we figure out how to share and version the test project to create a stable baseline. I chatted about this briefly in IRC with Benjamin and wanted to get the information out. I think it's vital to get this rolling if we want to roll out a 2.1-alpha-1 with some degree of confidence we have toasted a bunch of plugins due to incompatibilities in the core.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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 -- Paul Graham

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