Hi Arnaud,

> As I said in another thread, we just ended 3.
> We named the profile integration-tests but to have the same name as in the
> core we'll rename it run-its
> It seems that there is 2 point of view about ITs activation :
> -1) ITs are part of the build and always launched
> -2) ITs are launched on demand (because they are consumming a lot of time
> and ressources)
> What do you prefer ?
> For me it's (2).
> Another question : What is an integration test ?
> For me unit tests don't handle resources like files. In unit tests we are
> using mocks to be able to use only in-memory tests.
> Everything else which is reading poms, settings or other resources are
> integration tests (whatever the framework used : maven-embedder,
> maven-verifier, ...).
> The problem actually is that our APIs aren't often developped to have unit
> tests.
> For example, we often have in parameters InputStream or something like than
> instead of a Project object which can be mocked.
> We should have to review them to be able to have many more UTs.
> Like you can see in [1] we don't have an important coverage of UTs.
> ITs are needed for example in plugins when we wrap another tool, but
> otherwise, and particularly in the core we should have a good unit tests
> suite.

In plugins world, we have a lot of UTs with our test harness and ITs.
I think ITs is sometimes misunderstanding by dev or users wich provide
patches. IMHO ITs should be used only if the test needs the Maven
stack or a part like reactor or aggregate properties for a mojo. In
the real world, users open issues with test cases like MJAVADOC-110 or
MJAR-60 and dev just adds these test cases as ITs. So,  what to do if
a user propose a test case? Add it as an IT or transform it to the
plugin harness?



> [1] http://nemo.sonar.codehaus.org/project/dashboard/19084?sid=669108
> Arnaud
> On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think we've gotten to the point where we need to decide how we are going
>> to test plugins. We need to pick one of the frameworks, settle on a pattern,
>> and use that in the plugins otherwise there will be no sane way to validate
>> a set of plugins works against a given version of Maven. What I'm thinking
>> about here concretely is testing all the plugins that we have here against
>> Maven 2.1 to know that we have not screwed something up so terribly that
>> things like the deploy plugin doesn't work, or whatever.
>> I think how this starts is that we:
>> 1) Pick one of the tools
>> 2) Create a touchstone project that can be expanded where necessary for any
>> given plugin so that we have a baseline project against which to test
>> 3) Pick a standard profile name for invoking this test
>> This way we create a standard hook point for a larger harness to get hold
>> off. We can check out sources and create an aggregator POM with the given
>> profile activated to test a set of plugins. I don't know yet what the best
>> way would be to share a touchstone project (and that is not  to say we won't
>> need different projects but we have to start with a baseline), but once we
>> start this we can also start plugging in other things like integration
>> testing that includes things like coverage or whatever else.
>> I think the key in moving forward is getting 1-3 sorted out so we're not
>> using 5 frameworks and testing plugins with N different patterns where it's
>> impossible to hook into for larger scale testing. I think this is the only
>> way forward to validate that a set of plugins work against a given version
>> of Maven which is vital information to know before releasing 2.1.
>> For integration testing I have found the SHITTY plugin (we would simply
>> have to change that name, sorry Jason Dillon) to be the most useful and
>> feature rich. Should be relatively simple to create a test project, and a
>> profile name (run-its like the core ITs). Then we figure out how to share
>> and version the test project to create a stable baseline. I chatted about
>> this briefly in IRC with Benjamin and wanted to get the information out. I
>> think it's vital to get this rolling if we want to roll out a 2.1-alpha-1
>> with some degree of confidence we have toasted a bunch of plugins due to
>> incompatibilities in the core.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> jason at sonatype dot com
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can
>> fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people.
>>  -- Paul Graham
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