On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 23:38 -0700, Barrie Treloar wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Ian Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would propose that the semantics change to "Of the overlapping ranges, 
> > the *lowest* soft requirement is the version to be used."  Consequently, 
> > new releases of a project would not change builds of other projects 
> > depending on it (assuming that version numbers increase instead of decrease 
> > with each release). This would negatively impact those projects wanting to 
> > live on the "bleeding edge", but benefit projects wanting repeatable 
> > builds.  In practice, range syntax does not appear to have gained much 
> > traction to date, so this change would hopefully not have substantial 
> > impact in terms of backwards incompatibility.  Moreover, providing 
> > semantics which do not introduce instability might increase adoption of the 
> > syntax.
> I think the short answer is, if you want repeatable builds then don't
> use range syntax.
> By defining a range you are saying that everything that fits in this
> range is a valid choice.
> Even those in the future that have yet to be release, as long as they
> fit in the range.
> Given that these future versions dont exist they haven't been tested
> so using a range can be dangerous.

You raise a good point - open-ended version ranges leave one vulnerable
to backwards-incompatible library upgrades.  But the current strategy of
taking the highest version introduces an additional element of
instability to application that can appear from one day to the next
without any change to an applications code base.

Unfortunately, without a notion of version ranges, managing versions
becomes prohibitive in projects with large dependency graphs.  If an
application has several different transitive dependencies on a
particular library, the application developer is forced to traverse the
entire graph, examine all the dependencies, and choose the highest of
them so that she is guaranteed not to hit NoClassDefFoundErrors or
NoSuchMethodErrors at runtime.  For projects with hundreds of transitive
dependencies, this is error-prone at best.  Version ranges allow each
module to declare the minimum version it needs to run properly, and let
maven do the work of finding a version acceptable to all modules in the
dependency graph.

> There is talk about a plugin (can't recall which) that can lock down
> the version of plugins and also tell you if newer versions are
> available, so you can selectively decide to upgrade.  But I am not
> sure if such a plugin exists yet.

The versions-maven-plugin looks useful, but doesn't appear to address
transitive dependencies which are never mentioned in an application's
pom.xml.  That's one of the main issues I'm trying to solve.

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