Hmmmm.... you've just given me an idea for a mojo for the

2008/12/11 Chris Maki <>

> Hi Everyone
> In the spirit of full-disclosure, I work with Ian at, but  I
> wanted to chime in on this discussion because of issues I've had with
> various projects.
> Given this scenario:
>   org.hibernate:hibernate:3.1.1:compile
>       org.hibernate:hibernate:3.1.3:compile
> I would like to see a way for to suggest hibernate
> 3.1.1, at the same time, indicate if there is another version of hibernate
> in my dependency tree (not in all of maven, just my dependencies) which has
> a higher version defined, use it instead (org.hibernate:hibernate:3.1.3 in
> this case).  Currently, the closest I can get to this is the range syntax,
> [3.1.1,) but as we all know, this syntax will download the latest version of
> hibernate (today this would be version
> I agree that developers should be responsible for managing their
> dependencies, at the same time, Maven should make things easier not more
> difficult.  If I have 150 dependencies, how much time should I spend
> determining which artifacts should be included?  Perhaps as much time as
> needed; however, If there was a way to indicate "use the highest declared
> version" of a common dependency then Maven would be assisting me in managing
> my dependencies.
> Does it seem like a bad idea to have a syntax that lets the highest
> dependency version within my project dependency graph win, IFF I had a way
> to indicate this preference?
> Thanks
> Chris
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 12:25 AM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
>  Hi Ian,
>> Ian Robertson wrote at Montag, 8. Dezember 2008 20:35:
>>  On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 23:38 -0700, Barrie Treloar wrote:
>> [snip]
>>  I think the short answer is, if you want repeatable builds then don't
>>>> use range syntax.
>>>> By defining a range you are saying that everything that fits in this
>>>> range is a valid choice.
>>>> Even those in the future that have yet to be release, as long as they
>>>> fit in the range.
>>>> Given that these future versions dont exist they haven't been tested
>>>> so using a range can be dangerous.
>>> You raise a good point - open-ended version ranges leave one vulnerable
>>> to backwards-incompatible library upgrades.  But the current strategy of
>>> taking the highest version introduces an additional element of
>>> instability to application that can appear from one day to the next
>>> without any change to an applications code base.
>>> Unfortunately, without a notion of version ranges, managing versions
>>> becomes prohibitive in projects with large dependency graphs.  If an
>>> application has several different transitive dependencies on a
>>> particular library, the application developer is forced to traverse the
>>> entire graph, examine all the dependencies, and choose the highest of
>>> them so that she is guaranteed not to hit NoClassDefFoundErrors or
>>> NoSuchMethodErrors at runtime.  For projects with hundreds of transitive
>>> dependencies, this is error-prone at best.  Version ranges allow each
>>> module to declare the minimum version it needs to run properly, and let
>>> maven do the work of finding a version acceptable to all modules in the
>>> dependency graph.
>> Nothing can really keep you save from such incompatibilities and problems
>> anyway. You silently imply that a higher version is always compatible, but
>> that's also not true (you know). In really worse cases it is like the
>> incompatible ASM 1.x, 2.x and 3.x series, but even for such an innocent
>> upgrade from JUnit 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 you might get a surprise, because the
>> latter uses a method not available in JDK 1.3 runtime. And this does not
>> cover cases where the groupId for the artifact changes (e.g.
>> xstream:xstream:1.1.3 com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.2) or artifacts
>> are splitted and/or renamed (e.g. avalon:avalon-framwork:4.1.4 to
>> org.apache.avalon:framework-api:4.3.1 and
>> org.apache.avalon:framework-impl:4.3.1) or two artifacts deliver the same
>> classes (commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1 and
>> org.slf4j:slf4j-jcl:1.5.6) or a jar is consumed by a different one (e.g.
>> org.ajax4jsf:ajax4jsf:1.1.0 into org.richfaces:richfaces:3.1.0) or
>> consumed
>> even by the JDK (javax.activation:activation:1.0.2 in JDK 6).
>> Therefore it is always the developers task to take care of the complete
>> dependency tree of a product/project.
>> [snip]
>> - Jörg
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