On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:23 PM, Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Wed July 8 2009 4:13:24 pm Benjamin Bentmann wrote:
> > Paul Gier wrote:
> > > One issue that will need to be resolved before we can sync, is how to
> > > handle our rebuilt thirdparty jars.  For example, if a jboss project
> > > needs to patch some thirdparty jar, rebuild it, and upload it to our
> > > repository
> >
> > AFAIK, somebody building a patched third-party artifact is supposed to
> > not deploy this derived artifact with its original group id but with the
> > group id of the patch creator. So if JBoss creates a patched version of
> > say log4j, it would need to get deployed with org.jboss:log4j or
> > similar. This should be allowed to get synced into central as it can be
> > distinguished from the original log4j:log4j artifact of the project
> owner.
> Except there THEN becomes the issue if someone depends on the normal log4j
> artifact as well as some JBoss artifact that then transitively pulls in
> org.jboss:log4j, they end up with two versions of log4j on the classpath
> with
> all kinds of non-fun things happening.
> Dan

yes it was the case I had in mind


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