Kristian Rosenvold wrote:

The only significant difference between the weave mode and the regular
mode is that the complete execution plan is determined up-front. As a
consequence of this the ReactorArtifactRepository (line 83) is forced to
use compile output from upstream modules when in weave mode, which means
jar files from other modules are not used in weave mode. This is also
the reason for the problem with the Antrun plugin, I believe. I'll have
to go jogging (skiing), to come up with how to solve this.

Actually, upon thinking about the antrun bug a little further, I realized that there's something weird about the antrun project I gave you: it fails in Maven 2.x when you run "mvn compile" but works if you run "mvn package" (because the dependent project relies on the packaged jar).

Assuming such projects should be supported, even single-threaded weave mode would fail unless it could somehow know that the dependent's project generate-sources phase relies on the package phase of the earlier project.

If this is unknowable, then we'd have to be able to fall back onto Project Granularity, the simplest (slowest) concurrency mode that could possibly work.


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