On 07/01/2010, at 6:45 PM, Kristian Rosenvold wrote:

>> Is the way this is designed something that's potentially reusable outside of 
>> Maven in an embedded scenario? Continuum currently builds Maven projects 
>> module by module, with some crude parallelism and the old project sorter. 
>> The availability of this and the Maven embedder would be smoking for CI :)
> I think a key part of my work so far (and actually, most of the effort),
> has been in "opening up" the DefaultLifecycleExecutor. Most of this
> stuff used to be internal to that class, and it was a huge class. That
> being said, all the "opened" code is in a package called "internal", and
> if this were an OSGI component it would not be exported until someone
> decides to ;) By the same reasoning, it'd probably not be immediately
> available for embedded usage. I've tried to stay away from redesigning
> the public apis, which I think should be left to the real veterans ;)

Those of us having Maven 1.x flashbacks you mean? :D Fair point - I just wanted 
to raise it as a potential use case - moving over to the new components is a 
first step for me over there anyway.

[snip good info, will wait for responses to Dan :)]

>> This sounds a lot like the need for something like this in 3.1:
>> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-193 :)
> Issue created 12/mar/05 ;)

Yes, that's not uncommon - we had a lot of "next feature" ideas during 2.0 
development, but with a radical departure from Maven 1.x we needed to see how 
it was being used before tossing everything in there. Some of the stuff we did 
toss in there (forked lifecycles, sorry!), didn't work out so well already. 
There's no shortage of ideas for the stuff to add next, and its great to see 
new use cases where they'd help cropping up :)

- Brett

Brett Porter

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