2012/11/15 Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com>:
> I can see arguments on both sides of this question of how to pick the
> logging ID. I'll start with my corner.
> The convention of having a logger for each class, named after the
> class, is just that. A convention. It serves well in many cases.
> However, in my opinion, it threatens to become a sort of cargo-cult
> law of nature.
> The various logging frameworks all permit arbitrary names (with
> separators) for loggers, and they permit it for a reason. Sometimes,
> there is a good reason to control logging on an axis that is not class
> names.
> I've had a few occasions where I really wanted to be able to control
> logging on some other logical axis, so I created a logger with some
> suitable name, and I used it in multiple classes. Just as in olamy's
> proposal.
> This scheme makes it trivial for us to allow end-users to control
> logging by plugin, since we don't need any additional framework, data
> structure, or mapping.
> The other side of the coin, as I see it, is that developers also want
> to do fine-grained logging control, and, in almost all cases, class
> names serve well. So, something like Jason's scheme of using
> conventional class names, but providing a mapping, would appear to
> serve both needs.
> However ... the mapping in question seems to me to be inevitably tied
> to the selection of one logging backend, unless we want to invent some
> sort of slf4j-ish means of mapping. I am most familiar with log4j, so
> I'll be concrete with the issue as it would arise there. If we use
> class-name loggers, and provide a mapping that maps from G/AV to
> packages or classes, something has to take this mapping and use it to
> generate a log4j configuration. I presume that the same would apply to
> logback or whatever else.
> That seems a lot of work to me. So, my opinion is that olamy's scheme
> is better, because it puts the needs of end-users ahead of the needs
> of devs.

can be easy to make that configurable with an option ? (default could
be user oriented).
As the stuff is done in only one class (DefaultPluginManager).

> However, if we only care about solving G/A/V control for actual
> end-users of Maven, and not users of complex embeds, then my view gets
> weaker. Once we choose a logging back-end for Apache Maven, it's not
> going to be very hard to implement the control mapping for that one
> back-end.
> So, weirdly, I find myself arguing against Jason on behalf of the use
> case he's usually arguing for.
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Olivier Lamy
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