My thoughts:
99.5% (or more) of the maven users will not care one way or another what 
logging impl we use.  They won't configure anything beyond -X.   They won't try 
changing loggers.   They won't muck with the configs.  Etc..   They just run 
"mvn" and expect it to work.   

For the remaining <0.5%, no matter what we do, we will need to document things 
clearly about how to configure things.   For these folks, they are generally 
"experts" and thus a couple extra steps to replace a logging framework, edit 
configs, etc… is not a big deal at all.  (again, DOCUMENT this all clearly or 
provide a nice maven plugin or something to do it for them)

My preference, in order:


and then a big gap to logback.     

The first two are there as they would provide the least amount of "extra 
dependencies", complexity, etc…  That said, we know slf4j-simple has issues.   
Not sure if anyone has even tried slf4j-jdk14.   For our CLI case, I don't see 
any advantage of logback over log4j2 or slf4j-log4j.    If the entire argument 
is around wanting something "battle tested", go for slf4j-log4j.   It's 
certainly used by more projects than logback and more people would already know 
it's configuration options.   Personally, I find the "number of projects" 
argument annoying and mostly irrelevant.  (and at least 2 of the "Apache 8" 
projects that are on the logback homepage don't use logback, they now use 

Thus, it comes down to two major things for me:

1) License issues - (sorry Stephen, this IS an issue)  I fully plan to vote -1 
for logback if/when presented to the PMC for approval.   There are very good 
options that would work just as well for our needs that are not EPL.  

2) Community - Ceki is great, no doubt about it, but at the end of the day, 
logback is pretty much a one man show.   Apache is more about "community" and 
"community over code" and all that.   I strongly prefer something that has a 
community behind it, or, at the very least, is open to developing a community 
behind it.   Major bonus points if that community already contains Maven PMC 
members/committers on it.    If *we* run into issues, I strongly prefer that 
*we* can get those issues fixed.

If two options are functionally and technically equivalent (within reasonable 
limits), then I'll take the community driven, permissive licensed version.   

That's my $0.02 worth.


On Dec 10, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I looked around a bit more today and I don't think SLF4J Simple is viable 
> long term, I don't want to patch it anymore as I would have to do a day's 
> work to make changes that keep the performance levels up, get it reviewed and 
> released, and I honestly don't think it's worth it anymore. I would rather 
> spend my time building out the plugin test cases and help to finish the 
> classloader blocking of SLF4J. I don't mind spending time getting it all 
> working but I don't want to waste my time on an implementation we're going to 
> toss.
> After a conversation with the PMC it will require a vote to accept Logback 
> which is EPL but I wanted to ask committers and interested users about using 
> Logback. I believe Logback is the best choice as it's the most mature and 
> battle tested implementation because once it goes in it's likely not ever to 
> come out. Many of us are users and have integration experience with Logback 
> and it's what I use everyday for logging in all my other projects and I've 
> been a happy user for years. I see Logback as best of breed and widely 
> adopted including 8 projects at Apache.
> There's no point in asking the PMC to vote on the acceptance of Logback if 
> it's not acceptable by the community. If there are interested users I would 
> really like to hear what you think because you're the ones who will have to 
> live with the choice that is made.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> To do two things at once is to do neither.
> -- Publilius Syrus, Roman slave, first century B.C.

Daniel Kulp -
Talend Community Coder -

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