I figured it out.  It appears that in order to get the -Dparam=value to work, 
you *must* specify the @Parameter annotation's "property" element.  Is this 
expected behavior?


If so, the javadocs at 
 are a little misleading and/or incomplete. 



Robert Patrick <HYPERLINK 

VP, FMW Architects Team: The A-Team  

Oracle Corporation                                Office: +1.940.725.0011

1148 Triple Crown Court                                 Fax: +1.940.725.0012

Bartonville, TX 76226, USA                    Mobile: +1.469.556.9450


A-Team Chronicles Blog: http://www.ateam-oracle.com/  


 Oracle WebLogic Server

by Robert Patrick, Gregory Nyberg, and Philip Aston

with Josh Bregman and Paul Done

Book Home Page: HYPERLINK 

Kindle Version: HYPERLINK 



From: Robert Patrick 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 1:03 AM
To: dev@maven.apache.org
Subject: Stupid Question about plugin annotations


It appears that the behavior for Maven plugins change depending on whether they 
use Javadoc-style annotations or Java annotations.  With a plugin that uses 
Javadoc annotations, I can execute a plugin goal directly from the command-line 
and use -Dparam=value to pass in the configuration parameters (e.g., mvn 
rpatrick:my-plugin:1.0:my-goal -Dfoo=bar) and I see that the injection is 
happening properly so that the foo variable in the plugin has the value "bar" 
when executing.


If I switch the plugin using the exact same code to use Java annotations, the 
injection is failing and foo is always null when the plugin executes.what am I 


Sorry for the noise,




Robert Patrick <HYPERLINK 

VP, FMW Architects Team: The A-Team  

Oracle Corporation                                Office: +1.940.725.0011

1148 Triple Crown Court                                 Fax: +1.940.725.0012

Bartonville, TX 76226, USA                    Mobile: +1.469.556.9450


A-Team Chronicles Blog: http://www.ateam-oracle.com/  


 Oracle WebLogic Server

by Robert Patrick, Gregory Nyberg, and Philip Aston

with Josh Bregman and Paul Done

Book Home Page: HYPERLINK 

Kindle Version: HYPERLINK 



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