On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Vinod Kone <vinodk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> See my answers inline.
>>  Based on what you say, looks like there are more HTTP endpoints (rw)
>> exposed to slaves and frameworks, like /shutdown. We don't want to
>> implement auth for these endpoints, atm.
> Yes. There are more user visible endpoints. See "master:port/help" for the
> list of endpoints.
>  That said, i think, we should authenticate /master/state.json only.
>> Can I assume, this can be implemented in Master::Http::state method,
>> using process::http::Request and process::http::Response? Or, does
>> slave/framework use /master/state.json endpoint? Any changes to this
>> method will not affect protobuf message exchange between master and
>> slave/framework, I think. Correct me if i'm wrong.
> For authorizing static http endpoints, we could resurrect some code that
> didn't make it into 0.20.0. See the diff here (
> https://github.com/apache/mesos/commit/a5cc9b435aad080a79230f0366a6ce77116c95a4)
> and let me know if that is what you are looking for.

It's more for authorizing frameworks. We looking for authenticating
users for certain HTTP endpoints. If i understand right, the above
patch expect certain authz credentials like principal & role for
framework registration and principal & user for running tasks. For web
requests, i don't think angularJS is exchanging any credential or
query-param with master. It's always GET specific json.

We are thinking to solve this problem by running a proxy in front of
each mesos master and implement authN based on path and/or User-Agent.

We'll keep you posted if we want any changes to be made in mesos.

> Note, the HTTP endpoints exposed by master for web requests do not impact
> the internal HTTP endpoints used for communicating with frameworks/slaves.

Good to know. This will make our implementation simple, as we don't
want to authenticate HTTP requests from frameworks/slaves.

Thank you,

Bhuvan Arumugam

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