
I am proposing making 'curl' a prerequisite when installing Mesos.
Currently, we require 'libcurl' being present when installing Mesos (
http://mesos.apache.org/gettingstarted/). However, we found that it does
not compose well with our asynchronous runtime environment (i.e., it'll
block the current worker thread).

Recent work on URI fetcher
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-3918> uses 'curl' directly,
instead of using 'libcurl' to fetch artifacts, because it composes well
with our async runtime env. 'curl' is installed by default in most systems
(e.g., OSX, centos, RHEL).

So I am proposing adding 'curl' to our prerequisite list. Let me know if
you have any concern on this. I'll update the Getting Started doc if you
are OK with this change.

- Jie

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