I have opened METRON–994 : STELLAR Shell and management should front the METRON 
REST api

As Stellar management functions start overlapping with the REST api, we may 
want have stellar management backed by rest, and have a single main api - rest.

Nick brings up an excellent point that we should consider doing the opposite, 
back the rest api with the stellar implementation.

After a little thought, I believe that this approach may have the greatest pay 
off long term, as it will result (hopefully) in an increase of the number of 
STELLAR commands, that may be leveraged in different contexts.

But, I think this issue warrants more discussion from the group.

The questions as I can see them (please add more or correct me ) are:

Should Stellar have a api which is fronted by multiple front ends?
If so, which is better suited, REST, STELLAR or other?
What are some trade offs | pay offs with each approach?

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