Github user justinleet commented on the issue:
    I've hit the same intermittent errors trying this, e.g.
    [INFO]       - Failed: unknown error: Element <button _ngcontent-c2="" 
aria-controls="time-range" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-secondary 
btn-search" data-animation="false" data-target="#time-range" 
data-toggle="collapse" type="button">...</button> is not clickable at point 
(1279, 95). Other element would receive the click: <th _ngcontent-c13="" 
style="width: 30%">...</th>
    One of the very first things that failed was
    [INFO]     ✗ should display error message for invalid credentials
    [INFO]       - Failed: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the 
page: true
    Is it possible there's an intermittent error getting the tests initially 
lined up that just carries through everything?
    @iraghumitra Can you also update the README with the instructions for 
running this with the mvn profile + any troubleshooting or other steps that 
need to happen?


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