>From my response on the other thread, but applicable to the backend stuff:

"The PCAP Query seems more like PCAP Report to me.  You are generating a
report based on parameters.
That report is something that takes some time and external process to
generate… ie you have to wait for it.

I can almost imagine a flow where you:

* Are in the AlertUI
* Ask to generate a PCAP report based on some selected alerts/meta-alert,
possibly picking from on or more report ‘templates’
that have query options etc
* The report request is ‘queued’, that is dispatched to be be
* You as a user have a ‘queue’ of your report results, and when the report
is done it is queued there
* We ‘monitor’ the report/queue press through the yarn rest ( report
info/meta has the yarn details )
* You can select the report from your queue and view it either in a new UI
or custom component
* You can then apply a different ‘view’ to the report or work with the
report data
* You can print / save etc
* You can associate the report with the alerts ( again in the report info )
with…. a ‘case’ or ‘ticket’ or investigation something or other

We can introduce extensibility into the report templates, report views (
thinks that work with the json data of the report )

Something like that.”

Maybe we can do :

template -> query parameters -> script => yarn info
yarn info + query info + alert context + yarn status => report info ->
stored in a user’s ‘report queue’
report persistence added to report info
metron-rest -> api to monitor the queue, read results ( page ), etc etc

On May 4, 2018 at 09:23:39, Ryan Merriman (merrim...@gmail.com) wrote:

I started a separate thread on Pcap UI considerations and user requirements
at Otto's request. This should help us keep these two related but separate
discussions focused.

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 7:19 AM, Michel Sumbul <michelsum...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> (Youhouuu my first reply on this kind of mail chain^^)
> If I may, I would like to share my view on the following 3 points.
> - Backend:
> The current metron-api is totally seperate, it will be logic for me to
> it at the same place as the others rest api. Especially when more
> will be added, it will not be needed to do the job twice.
> The current implementation send back a pcap object which still need to be
> decoded. In the opensoc, the decoding was done with tshard on the
> It will be good to have this decoding happening directly on the backend
> not create a load on frontend. An option will be to install tshark on the
> rest server and to use to convert the pcap to xml and then to a json that
> will be send to the frontend.
> I tried to start directly the map/reduce job to search over all the pcap
> data from the rest server and as Ryan mention it, we had trouble. I will
> try to find back the error.
> Then in the POC, what we tried is to use the pcap_query script and this
> work fine. I just modified it that he sends back directly the job_id of
> yarn and not waiting that the job is finished. Then it will allow the UI
> and the rest server to know what the status of the research by querying
> yarn rest api. This will allow the UI and the rest server to be async
> without any blocking phase. What do you think about that?
> Having the job submitted directly from the code of the rest server will
> perfect, but it will need a lot of investigation I think (but I'm not the
> expert so I might be completely wrong ^^).
> We know that the pcap_query scritp work fine so why not calling it? Is it
> that bad? (maybe stupid question, but I really don’t see a lot of
> - Front end:
> Adding the the pcap search to the alert UI is, I think, the easiest way
> move forward. But indeed, it will then be the “Alert UI and pcapquery”.
> Maybe the name of the UI should just change to something like “Monitoring
> Investigation UI” ?
> Is there any roadmap or plan for the different UI? I mean did you already
> had discussion on how you see the ui evolving with the new feature that
> will come in the future?
> - Microservices:
> What do you mean exactly by microservices? Is it to separate all the
> features in different projects? Or something like having the different
> components in container like kubernet? (again maybe stupid question, but
> don’t clearly understand what you mean J )
> Michel

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