Very interesting use case.

How big of a delay do you think you need?

Can you elaborate on the two different types of data that you want to join?

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 9:28 AM, <> wrote:

> Is there a good method (i.e. something using Stellar/ZK) to implement an
> intentional processing delay to all tuples in a specific topology?  I plan
> to do some custom enrichments, but the data used to do the enrichment
> *may* be
> ingested at roughly the same time the data to be enriched is (it also may
> not ever be sent).  So I'd like to add a delay in my cluster that applies
> to certain parser topologies.
> I took a look around in the documentation and in JIRA and didn't find
> anything available or being worked on, but I did see that this may conflict
> with METRON-322.  Essentially what I'm considering is a {sleep,delay,wait}
> stellar function, but it could also be a delay in a parser's kafka spout
> (much less of a fan of the second option).
> I'm looking for feedback on the best way to approach this, and I'd be happy
> to do the work myself (if necessary) when it gets to that point.  I did
> consider implementing this delay upstream (in the sensor itself), but after
> looking in more detail it doesn't seem as feasible.
> Jon
> --
> Jon

Nick Allen <>

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