I think we've come to a better way to do this which is sort of a
waitUntil(exists || timeout), but the issue is checking if something exists
because it requires some sort of timestamp to avoid collisions (due to
source port reuse, etc.).  I don't know the best way to do this offhand.
Here's a general scenario:

1) ssh syslog comes in -> parses -> insert to HBase {ip_login_src,
src_port, ip_login_dst, ip_login_dst_hostname, account, timestamp,
success_bool} via streaming enrichment

2) Network logs come in saying ip_src_addr logged into ip_dst_addr ->
parses -> enriches (checks for whitelists, then if appropriate sets
is_alert = T) -> indexes

What I want is something for the network logs to get enriched with the ssh
hbase data (almost exactly this use case
using ip_src_addr, src_port, ip_dst_addr, account, and maybe some sort of
fuzzy timestamp?  Then we can hash them all together and use it as a lookup
key, but not sure how to handle timestamps without having 3 identifiers (1
for current time +- 3 mins, 1 for previous 3 minute segment, one for future
3 minute segment).

A sleep/wait cycle is another way to do this (simply delay everything in
xyz topology by 30 seconds) which isn't as nice, but is also probably way
less complicated to implement.

We're discussing this in IRC (soon to be slack ^.^) as well.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 10:28 AM Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

So spout orchestration/gating?

Spout checks for external state flag

if CURRENT - process
if UPDATING - wait

With the ingesting agent sets flag to updating when running?

On November 4, 2016 at 09:29:16, zeo...@gmail.com (zeo...@gmail.com) wrote:

Is there a good method (i.e. something using Stellar/ZK) to implement an
intentional processing delay to all tuples in a specific topology? I plan

to do some custom enrichments, but the data used to do the enrichment *may*

ingested at roughly the same time the data to be enriched is (it also may
not ever be sent). So I'd like to add a delay in my cluster that applies
to certain parser topologies.

I took a look around in the documentation and in JIRA and didn't find
anything available or being worked on, but I did see that this may conflict
with METRON-322. Essentially what I'm considering is a {sleep,delay,wait}
stellar function, but it could also be a delay in a parser's kafka spout
(much less of a fan of the second option).

I'm looking for feedback on the best way to approach this, and I'd be happy
to do the work myself (if necessary) when it gets to that point. I did
consider implementing this delay upstream (in the sensor itself), but after
looking in more detail it doesn't seem as feasible.





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