Using loopback you would still need to watch out for dropping datagrams under 
very high load, because you can overflow the receive buffer but it might be 
possible to solve this by setting the DatagramChannel receive buffer 
significantly higher than the send buffer (200k/8k) and assumes that the 
selector read/writes are somewhat fair..


-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Vermillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, Sep 14, 2007 11:57 am
Subject: Re: slightly OT: how to write an NIO provider
To: Reply-    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On loopback you won't drop UDP packets, that's the trick ;)

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:49:14 -0400
Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think even I am getting confused.  I have a group of processes on a
 box that will always be on the same box, so I was looking for a fast
 way for them to communicate.  My options are:
 TCP over loopback
 Unix Domain Sockets
 Pipes will not fulfill my needs, so I was looking into Unix Domain
 Sockets(UDS).  Since there are no NIO providers for UDS, I was
 interested in writing my own and that is when I posed the question to
 the list.  But if TCP over loopback is not going to be any faster
 than UDS, then I will stick with TCP over loopback.  UDP is not an
 option because I cannot drop packets.
 Sorry for the confusion.  I hope this clears things up.
 Thank you.

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