On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 21:25:14 -0800
"Cameron Taggart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > But why?  JDK logging is always available.  It's the responsibility of
> > any good logging framework that has existed since 2001 to install a JDK
> > LogManager in my opinion.
> Do you know of a LogManager that can be used for slf4j?  I asked about
> one on their mailing list last May.  It is a missing piece to the
> puzzle that would benefit both java.util.logging and slf4j.
> http://www.slf4j.org/pipermail/user/2007-May/000349.html
> Cameron

Well, slf4j is just a logging facade, isn't it?  So you'd want to
delegate to the underlying framework?

You probably could do a LogManager that delegates to slf4j though.  If
things go well at work, we will soon have a public project that
implements this and many other small useful LogManagers - delegating to
log4j for sure.  I never thought about delegating to a facade, but I
guess it could work as long as the facade doesn't delegate back to JDK
logging. :)


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