On Jan 21, 2008 6:39 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> and I also think it's time to get asyncweb out of sandbox. Sandbox is
> supposed to be a place where we do experiments, or personal stuff. If
> Alex wants to work on asyncweb, it may be time to 'wake up' the project
> and put it back to trunk.

Absolutely, if he wants to start to work on AsyncWeb.

> > It makes sense I think! Would we still keep codec implementations in
> > subprojects under mina/ (like filter-codec-http)?
> I think that each codec should have its own sub-project, with its own
> versioning scheme. There is no reason why it should depend on MINA in
> any way, except through a dependency.
> This is a dangerous approach which will be a real problem when
> protocol's codecs will flourish, as you will have difficult time
> synchronizing all of them when you will want to release a new MINA version.

We have only one codec (or two including Netty? :) so far and didn't
experience any problem yet.  I'd rather wait and see more codecs to
appear before we say that it will be a real problem.  It doesn't hurt
anyone. :)

> > I think it would be very cool if MINA could be a repository for codec
> > implementations like this and I think that has been your intention
> > from the very start Trustin, right? We (Trillian AB) would be willing
> > to contribute initial (and in some areas incomplete) codec
> > implementations for POP3, SMTP and IMAP. I know there are others out
> > there using MINA for various types of mail servers and clients.
> > Together we could build complete and very usable implementations for
> > these protocols.
> Codecs should be seen as plugins, and should have there own life, and
> own versioning scheme.
> Does it make sense to you, guys ?

Then what about other submodules like filter-compression,
integration-*, statemachine and transport-*?  Should they all be
thought as plugins in the same context?  Some components doesn't
change a line when we cut a new release.  What makes codecs so
special?  I see codecs as submodules that deeply depends on MINA
constructs like other submodules does.

A protocol implementation consists of a codec, message flow and
business logic.  A codec itself can't do anything at all.  Codecs are
very low-level component - you need something more on top of it to
comply with the protocol, and that's why I think it should be a
submodule of MINA distribution.  Those only who understand how to use
MINA API can use the codec.  What's the use of providing it as a
separate distribution?  What's more important IMHO is whether we are
going to provide the codec as a separate JAR file or not, and we are
doing so already.

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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