On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:31, Niklas Gustavsson<nik...@protocol7.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Michael Jakl<jakl.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How does that handle passing a parameter?
>> ServerMain[1] checks if a property "vysper.add.module" is present and
>> loads the given class, and finally adds it as a module to the server.
>> I start the server (something) like this:
>> java ServerMain 
>> -Dvysper.add.module=org.apache.....xep0060_pubsub.PubSubModule
>>  1: 
>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/mina/sandbox/vysper/trunk/server/core/src/main/java/org/apache/vysper/xmpp/server/ServerMain.java?revision=800455
> Right, I understood by "parameter" to you needed to set something on
> the module (like in the constructor or in a setter method) on
> addition. But I now think I misunderstood.
> So, this should not affect the build at all right, this seems to be
> something you do at runtime (at which time Maven would not normally be
> used). Or, do you want Maven to launch the server for you? I'm
> confused :-)

Um, me too :)

Let's start at the beginning. I'd like to have a simple way of running
the server and the client. I thought Maven might be the tool for that
because it handles the dependencies, but maybe I was wrong?

Running the server is not important, but running the client would be
nice. How would you suggest to do it in a portable way?

Maybe I've overcomplicated the whole thing. Running the server is easy
from Eclipse and the demo is also easy to start as soon as the
dependencies are there (with your repo. this should now be fully

Sorry for the chaos.


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