On 3/2/10 1:13 PM, Victor wrote:
I agree with Edouard, much people not even waited but used (!) mina 2.0 in production. Our servers are working on mina 2.0 during ~1.5 years - we use both connectors and acceptors. In fact, 2.0 is not so bad as it seems to be ;) We just have some bugs which should be fixed in 2.0. Otherwise people may think that mina will never be released ;-(
I'm using MINA 2.0 since 2.0-M1, I think. I have had hard time getting it working, but at the end of the day, 2.0.0-RC1 is pretty useable, if you don't dare using it in fancy ways. Most of the fixed bugs since then are for obscure features, but the most important fix is dealing with the selector freeze (a workaround for a JVM bug).

We still have a couple of annoying issues with some tests on some OS, the problem is to undrstand if the tests are fragile or if MINA is the cause.

Last friday, I was able to workaround a blockage I have with trunk simply by not waiting on a WriteFuture. You would say, "wait, but this is a MAJOR issue, a future.wait() should never block forever !", but in fact, I get this problem _only_ because I call the write operation and the server will immediately close the connection before the writeFuture can be informed of this fact, so the client is waiting forever for an answer that never comes.
I just let it be, assuming that the write will be sucessful, and moved on.

Ok, MINA 2.0 is far from being perfect, there are some issues, but so far, it's usable.

As soon as you know the limits, you can play within those limits with no fears...

But as one of the developer, it's embarrassing ...


Emmanuel Lécharny

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