Le 3/27/13 12:54 PM, IronMan a écrit :
> Sorry, but I am not sure to understood; currently, I have a server
> application that instatiate an IOAcceptor, named "acceptor". The code
> is below:
> public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
>         SSMServerIoHandler handler = new SSMServerIoHandler();
>         handler.openConsole("- SSMServerIOHandler -");
>         NioSocketAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor();
>         acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("protocol", new
> ProtocolCodecFilter(new SSMCodecFactory(false,null)));
>         acceptor.setDefaultLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(PORT));
>         acceptor.setHandler(handler);
>         acceptor.bind();
> //        System.out.println("event> SSM server is listenig at port " + PORT);
>         handler.scope.printOnConsole("event> SSM server is listenig at
> port " + PORT);
>       }
> I am running the application on a virtual machine with one core; for
> this reason when I create 10 client there is only two thread executed
> in concurrent way. If we evaluate the  548 core, this core are
> distributed on, about, 18 machine. The previously code is still right?

I have no idea how the JVM can spread the threads on core on other
machines... AFAICT, except if you are using a very specific JVM, the
threads used are local to your machine (ie, in your case, 548/18 cores
will be used)

So base line, you won't be able to exploit the 548 cores on your 18

Emmanuel Lécharny

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