Dear Emmanuel,

Thank you so much for the answer. I hop that the presentation it went smooth.
I am sorry for the delay of my answer but I am was under pressure for
a paper that regards Apache MINA. Now,I am working with Apache MINA
for my PhD. and I  hope to use it also after. For this reason I hope
to have the needed features. Can you give me a list of the topics of
the current design or how can I go ahead?

Thank you so much,
Best Regards,

P. S.
If my paper will be accepted I send you a copy in order to have your
opinion on the work and on possible interests from the community.

Best Regards,

2013/3/27 Emmanuel Lécharny [via Apache MINA]
> Le 3/27/13 3:29 PM, IronMan a écrit :
>> Thank you so much;
>> Apache MINA organizes conferences where is possible to submit
>> scientific pubblications? Or there are analogous opportunities for
>> publications?
> We don't organize any conference, but we do participate occasionaly on
> conferences. For instance, I'm doing a presentation this friday at
> Now, nobody forbids you to propose a talk to any conference,
> we don't hav a monopole !
>> Is possible to entry in the development community of Apache MINA?
> Sure ! It's a community based work, and we accept any participation. We
> currently are working on MINA 3, the next iteration. All the discussions
> occur on the development mailing list, you are very welcome to participate.
> Being elected committer is a matter of participating to the existing
> effort. It's not that hard, but we expect to get some patches or
> contribution for that : the idea is to get contributors that will remain
> in the long term...
> Many thanks for your interest !
> --
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
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Maurizio Colizza
Research Engineer
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila-Centro di eccellenza DEWS
Cel. 3339973021
Skype : maurizio.colizza

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